日本語 / English
Shunya Ishikawa
The University of Electro-Communications (Graduate school)
Computer Science Program
The University of Electro-Communications
Media Science and Engineering Program
B.E. in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude equivalent(Academic leave from 2021.10 to 2022.9 for the study of deep learning and the acquisition of qualifications in IT)
Yokohama Municipal Minami High School
石川 峻弥, 中鹿 亘, "分類型半制限ボルツマンマシンによる全音程関係を考慮した和音認識," 日本音響学会2024年春季研究発表会, March 2024.
河村 和紀, 池之内 颯都, 石川 峻弥, 村上 綾菜, 河野 慎, 松尾 豊, "類似グラフ環境における事前知識を活用した方策学習のための世界モデル," 2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回), June 2023.
Yiming Wu, Yuya Yamamoto, and Shunya Ishikawa, “A DBN-based regularization approach for training postprocessing-free joint beat and downbeat estimator”, in Extended Abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 25th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf., 2024.
2023.5 | Scored 910 on TOEIC L&R |
2022.6 | Passed AP: Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination |
2018.7 | Passed EIKEN Grade Pre-1 |
2024.8 | Selected as a next-generation AI researcher for a UEC program approved under JST's BOOST program, with pre-employment (formal employment expected to commence in 2026.4) |
2024.6 - | Hosting an independent seminar to improve the English skills of mine and my lab members |
2024.4 | Completed "Spring Seminar 2024: Financial Market Trading and Machine Learning": Intensive course at Matsuo Lab, The University of Tokyo |
2024.3 | Awarded the Megurokai prize for academic excellence (top 5% grades) by the UEC alumni association |
2023.5 | Completed "World Model and Intelligence 2022": Intensive course at Matsuo Lab, The University of Tokyo |
2022.4 | Awarded by the UEC for academic excellence |
2022.2 | NHK's program website featured my musical piece (currently unavailable) |
2021 | Earned income through composing musical pieces |
2021.2 | Developed a Java-based musical application as a team project in a university class, earning the best award |
2019.9 | Completed a one-month language study program at the University of British Columbia, Canada |
UEC Nakashika Laboratory
Research assistant
AlphaTheta Corporation
Part-time job / R&D
Carriere Reseau Co., Ltd
Part-time job / System engineer, Web engineer
Freelance development projects
Deep learning engineer
UEC Media Design Lab
Research assistant
Part-time job / Programming mentor